Good vs Bad Reasons to be Poly

One of the biggest mistakes people can make when starting a poly relationship is doing it for the wrong reasons. If you get into poly for the wrong reasons then you are doomed to be miserable and to hurt the people around you. On the flip side of that coin, if you get into poly for the right reasons, you could find yourself pretty damned happy  with a full heart engaged in multiple mutual loving relationships.

What are the good and the bad reasons to be Poly, you ask?

Well, there are infinite reasons that anyone could do anything, but here are the most common ones that I know of:


Good/Right Reasons to be Poly:
– you enjoy listening to others talk about their feelings as well as talking about your own feelings and are open to having these discussions with multiple partners at the same time
– you feel confident in your ability to show two or more people that they are special to you at the same time
– you have the libido to satisfy two or more people at the same time
– you believe it is possible to love two or more people at the same time
– you understand that relationships go through seasons and are willing to put in the effort to make things work rather than dropping a person when things get hard for a little while
– you trust your partners and you have proven yourself trustworthy to them
– you have enough time, energy, and the love inside of you to enrich the lives of two or more people at the same time


Bad/Wrong Reasons to be Poly:
– your current sexual partner isn’t enough and you want to fuck more people
– you want to have sex with multiple people at the same time
– you are bored within your current relationship and looking for more excitement
– you figure poly people are probably easier to bang
– you figure poly people are probably kinkier in bed
– you are not looking for anything serious so you figure fucking a married woman would be ideal