How Sex is Like Pizza: Part Three

This post is part of a three part series, be sure to check out the other two segments:
How Sex is Like Pizza: Part One
How Sex is Like Pizza: Part Two

Whether you are sharing a pizza with someone, or sharing sex with someone, a conversation needs to occur. Everyone needs to be on the same page.

If you are sharing a pizza and you like pepperoni with pineapple, but they likes pepperoni with mushrooms, then you have to talk about it and compromise.
Should you get a pizza with only pepperoni? Should you get half pepperoni with pineapple, half pepperoni with mushrooms? Should you get pepperoni, pineapple, and mushroom? Are you willing to try pepperoni with mushrooms? Are they willing to try pepperoni with pineapple? What happens if one of you tries it and doesn’t like it?
There is no way of knowing without a conversation.

If you are sharing sex and you like to tickle, but they like bite, then you have to talk about it and compromise.
Are they ok with being tickled? Are you ok with being bitten? Should you refrain from kink? Should you both indulge in your kinks? What happens if you try something and one of you doesn’t like it?
There is no way of knowing without a conversation.

You can’t make assumptions about the person you are sharing with.
You could order a pizza topping that they are deathly allergic to.
You could do something sexual that is traumatic or upsetting for them.
Having a conversation, discussing what each other wants and compromising on things is the safest and most respectful thing you should do beforehand.

Making assumptions could ruin everything and result in unpleasantness for all involved.
A little communication can ensure that everyone – you and them – have a good time.

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